Success Stories

Ms. Jayasree Ramachandran
General Manager
City Exchange LLC, UAE
Client since 2008
“Our association with Cinque Technologies has been mutually rewarding as we work together as partners in progress. The expertise of team Cinque and their user-friendly software platform helped us face our day to day business challenges without any hustle.”

Mr. Mukesh Himatlal
General Manager and Partner
GCC Exchange, UAE
Client for 12 years
“They are perhaps the only IT company focused on the remittance industry and providing development and after sales from UAE. We have been associated with them since 2006 and would like to thank the friendly team for their support. We wish them and their ever-growing team all success.”

Mr. Fuad Abazid
General Manager
Al Fuad Exchange, UAE
Client for 18 years
“Cinque Technologies covers all our requirements, and their friendly software platform helped us face our daily business challenges. We are looking forward to their new products to help us grow our future revenues.”

Mr. Ahmed Nashar
Commercial Manager
Al Neel Exchange, UAE
Client for more than 10 years
“With a very long experience in the UAE financial market, we know that SYMEX is the best remittance and FC system in the local market as a value against service.”

Mr. V M Peter
General Manager
Client since 2009
“This is one of the best money exchange softwares in the market due to its operational convenience, good service and support from the team and management.”

Mr. Muneer P K
Operations Manager
Hadi Exchange, UAE
Client for 20 years
“The support of Cinque Technologies was exceptional to the success of our company. The professional approach to solve the issues/requirements and the overall support is excellent. The support that Cinque Technologies extended to Hadi Exchange cannot be explained through words.”

Ms. Gina Tan Fuentes
Client for 11 years
“We know the Software very well since we have been using it for a long time. This software also is created & customized personally for the Real Estate Business.”