Success Stories

Mr. Faisal Al Rashoudi
Head of Digitalization & Automation
Bank AlJazira, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Client since 2014
“They have helped us grow our business, serve our customers, and support our business needs through their good system and their experienced team.”

Mr. Hisham Kamel Dahbur
Head of IT Department
Al Muzaini Exchange, Kuwait
Client for 9 years
“I want to thank you for all the excellent efforts you have provided to Al Muzaini Exchange in the past. The on-site resources that you have helped us acquire are some of the best from any of the vendors or consulting companies we have worked with. Thank you for your partnership over the years.”

Mr. Madhusoodanan R
General Manager
Global Money Exchange Company LLC, Oman
Client since 2013
“It is a mutually beneficial relationship and our company has grown during the last 5 years. This would not have been possible without a proper software solution, and we are a satisfied customer of Cinque Technologies.”

Mr. Zahid Kalolwala
General Manager
Oman Exchange Co. WLL, Kuwait
Client since 2014
“Cinque Technologies has a professional team, prompt support, and scalable solutions which have helped drive efficiency across our verticals.”

Mr. Zacharia P S
General Manager
Musandam Exchange, Oman
Client since 2009
“Cinque Technologies has a user friendly software with good AMC support. Our front end staff is quite comfortable with the software as they are in a position to perform well by attending the highest number of customers within the given time.”

Mr. K P Sasidharan
General Manager
Wasel Exchange SAOC, Oman
Client since 2014
“On a comparison of the various products available in the market, we found Cinque Technologies to be most suitable for us, being a tested and widely used one. For a startup company, the support and personal guidance have been of great help.”

Mr. Anand P Jakati
General Manager
Al Manna Exchange, Qatar
Client for 10 years
“They are pioneers in the field of business software, tailoring their software made for our business to deliver accurate reports as required by the regulators and the management. We are satisfied with their Software, and the service provided by their ever friendly staff.”

Mr. Mohamed Abazid
General Manager
Wall Street Exchange, Kuwait
Client for 10 years
“We like the way you support our business. By using your product, all our transactions are easy to make for our customers.”

Mr. Issahac Yacob
General Manager
Arexco WLL, Bahrain
Client since 2009
“We found that Cinque Technologies has a very professional team, is easily accessible, generates all the reports required by the regulatory authority, and provides immediate response and action on queries and requests. I am fully satisfied with the service from Cinque Technologies.”

Mr. Shabeer Basha
Finance Manager
Doha Star Trading company W.L.L, Qatar
Client since 2009
“We are using Petra as our accounting software, and it’s very easy to understand and make reports. Special appreciation to your software supporting team.”